Monday, August 11, 2014

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Pemberontakan ISIS- visi iraq Suriyah Menyebar Luas

Teror Al Qaeda
Visi ISIS, Al Qaeda dan Pemberotak Suriah Lainnya


Kelompok militan Islam Sunni yang kondang disebut sebagai pasukan Negara Islam di Irak dan Suriah (ISIS), kini merajalela di Irak. Visi perjuangan mereka berbeda dengan al-Qaeda atau pemberontak Sunni lain di Suriah.
Kelompok ISIS terkenal ekstrem, ganas dan brutal sehingga mampu menguasai separuh dari wilayah Irak yang kaya minyak dan gas itu.
ISIS tadinya bernaung di bawah al-Qaeda, tapi belakangan organisasi bentukan Usamah bin Ladin ini malah menjauhkan diri dari ISIS.
Kelompok yang mengaku terlibat dalam perang demi jihad Islam itu ratusan kali melakukan serangan di Suriah sejak awal meletupnya perang saudara berbau sektarian pada 2011.
Namun ambisi ISIS bukan hanya ingin menumbangkan rezim Bashar al-Assad. Tujuan akhir kelompok ini adalah terbentuknya kekalifahan Islam di sepanjang wilayah Timur Tengah bagian Timur (Levant), dengan menggabungkan Suriah, Irak, Yordania, Lebanon dan Wilayah Palestina.
Kelompok-kelompok pemberontak Sunni lainnya di Suriah menyebut ISIS sebagai “lebih buruk dari rezim Bashar al-Assad”.
Pada 2013, koran Jerman Der Spiegel melaporkan, kelompok ini telah menculik ratusan orang, termasuk para aktivis, politiskus, pendeta Kristen dan beberapa wartawan asing. ISIS mengancam, “siapa pun yang menentang perjuangan ISIS, atau mereka yang murtad, pasti akan dilibas dan hilang”.
Der Spiegel mengutip seorang insinyur yang minggat dari Suriah setelah nyawanya terancam.”Kami menyebut mereka Tentara Topeng, karena jarang menunjukkan wajah mereka. Mereka berbaju hitam, dan wajah mereka tertutup.”
Pelanggaran hak asasi manusia dan visi ISIS yang ingin membentuk negara Islam ekstrem mendapat tentangan dari kelompok-kelompok pemberontak Suriah lainnya yang cita-citanya hanya ingin menumbangkan rezim Bashar al-Assad.
Pertentangan ini dalam sekejap berubah menjadi perang terbuka antara kelompok ISIS dan pemberontak Suriah lainnya.
ISIS sempat kelimpungan setelah bentrok dengan milisi anti-pemerintah Suriah yang moderat, tapi masih kuat mencengkeram wilayah timur laut Suriah, yang membentang dari perbatasan Turki hingga wilayah terpencil Irak.
Kantung-kantung ISIS di Suriah, terutama di utara kota Raqqa, yang menjadi batu loncatan untuk melakukan serangan ke wilayah Irak barat.Pada Januari 2014, ISIS melumpuhkan kota Falujjah dan wilayah di sekitar provinsi Anbar.
Ini akibat konflik internal di dalam negeri Irak pasca penarikan mundurnya pasukan Amerika pada 2011.
ISIS berkesempatan mengkampanyekan lebih baik pulang kampung ke Irak dari pada berjihad di Suriah yang ditentang kelompok pemberontak Sunni lainnya.
ISIS dipimpin oleh militant veteran Abu Bakar al-Baghdadi, yang membentuk Negara Islam di Irak dan berafiliasi dengan al-Qaeda pada 2010.
Dengan makin kemuncaknya pemberontakan terhadap Bashar al-Assad pada 2011, Baghdadi mengirim orang kepercayaannya Abu Mohammad al-Golani, untuk menyeberangi perbatasan dan membentuk afiliasi al-Qaeda di Suriah: Front Jabhat al-Nusra, dengan merekrut orang dari kelompok-kelompok militan musuhnya.
Seiring dengan meningkatnya popularitas Front al-Nusra pimpinan al-Golani, Baghdadi menginginkan kelompok Suriah ini digabung di bawah kepemimpinannya. Al-Golani menolak dan kedua kelompok yang tadinya bersahabat ini malah bentrok. Pimpinan al-Qaeda pengganti Usamah bin Ladin , Syekh Ayman al-Zawahiri, mendukung faksi Suriah ini pimpinan al-Golani.
ISIS merasa tak tepengaruh dengan kiprah al-Nusra dan terus melakukan ekspansi operasinya di Suriah pada 2012-13. Mereka tidak hanya bertempur melawan pasukan al-Assad, tetapi juga berhadapan dengan kelompok-kelompok milisi anti-pemerintah lainnya. Sejak saat itulah reputasi ISIS dikenal sebagai kelompok brutal nan ekstrem.
Dari mana ISIS memperoleh dana untuk beroperasi di Irak dan Suriah? Menurut para analis, dari mana lagi kalau bukan dari sumber-sumber haram: pasar gelap di Irak, termasuk perampokan, penyelundupan senjata, penculikan bahkan penyelundupan narkoba.(Dari berbagai sumber).

We Had to Go Back ISIS Iraq

The U.S. had to intervene in Iraq because ISIS’s goals are absolutely terrifying.


Scratch the surface of most of the world’s armed conflicts and you won’t see an ideological struggle or deep-seated ethnic or religious hatred that has erupted in a war of all against all. Rather, what you’ll find is a collection of thugs for hire, some in uniforms and some not, who are taking advantage of the chaos of war to prey on the weak. Sometimes this involves stealing oil or diamonds, or sexual brutality. But it’s pretty rare that it involves some larger design. True, the hooligans who take part in these orgies of destruction will often claim loyalty to some larger cause. They’re usually lying. The only heroes you’ll find in these wars are the people fighting for their lives and their loved ones.
The war that is now unfolding in Iraq is something different, and something much scarier. The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria steals with the best of them, and I don’t doubt that some of the fighters who’ve attached themselves to its cause are thrill-seeking psychopaths like those you’ll find in any lawless hellhole. On the whole, however, you get the impression that its fighters aren’t killing for fun and profit, and they’re certainly not killing to protect themselves from other crazies. Instead, they are killing because they are utopians. They want to live in a world that is quite literally cleansed of those who do not share their deranged beliefs, and by killing Yazidis and Christians and members of other religious minorities, they believe that they are serving a noble and just cause. The Taliban are awful, but given their willingness to cut deals with the Afghan government and the United States and its allies, they aren’t quite so insane. Even al-Qaida is more tolerant of religious minorities than the lunatics of ISIS. Now, with hundreds of millions of dollars worth of stolen loot, ISIS is on the march, closing in on stranded pockets of women and men they see as pagans and slowly starving them to death. The Kurdish peshmerga, the only Iraqi fighting force capable of holding ISIS at bay, has put up a brave resistance, yet they are starting to buckle.
And now, without a moment to spare, President Obama has decided to do something. For months, the president has resisted committing U.S. military forces to the fight against ISIS. But ISIS’s campaign of extermination against Iraq’s religious minorities has stirred him to action. In a nationally televised address on Thursday night, the president announced that he had authorized a limited bombing campaign against ISIS as well as a humanitarian effort on behalf of the stranded Yazidis.
Though I’ve criticized the Obama administration for withdrawing from Iraq at the tail end of 2011, I recognize that the decision to intervene militarily now is a thorny one. ISIS has succeeded in no small part because Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki’s government has failed to win the confidence of Iraq’s Sunni Arabs, who’ve suffered mightily from his sectarian chauvinism. Coming to the Iraqi government’s rescue looks a little too much like forgiving Maliki for his sins. Most of the defense wonks who’ve called for the president to come to Iraq’s aid have insisted, quite reasonably, that Maliki first agree to build a more inclusive government that all Iraqis can trust and respect—a reasonable request given the stakes. Maliki’s refusal to make meaningful concessions has made a large-scale intervention profoundly unattractive.
But the prospect of genocide changes things. What President Obama understands, I hope, is that if ISIS succeeds in routing the Kurds and collapsing the fragile Iraqi state, there will be no end to the killing. American military power cannot make Iraq whole again. It can, however, help give the Kurds a fighting chance to beat back ISIS, and to establish a safe haven for the members of religious minorities fleeing from ISIS-held territory. And in doing so, it can buy time for Maliki to think hard about his legacy: whether to avoid sharing power he is truly willing to let Iraq once again become a slaughterhouse.
By giving the Kurds breathing room, the president is doing the honorable thing. Throughout America’s decadeslong entanglement in Iraq, it is the Kurds who have been our firmest friends. Right now, Kurds are fighting and dying to protect their homeland, yes, but also to defend Yazidis and Christians who cannot defend themselves. They are fighting for the entire civilized world, and for a country as powerful as our own to not lend them assistance would be genuinely shameful—not least because it is the U.S. invasion of Iraq that has contributed so much to that country’s unraveling.

Beredarnya Sinopsis skenario GGS sctv Bocor

Sekenario GGS ( Ganteng-ganteng Srigala ) beredar?

Cerita Ganteng Ganteng Serigala 

Tristan bersama saudara saudaranya adalah murid anyar di salah satu International School . Tak ada yang tahu bahwa mereka yaitu Digo , Yasha, Liora dan Tea ialah vampire. Ayah mereka yaitu agra , mengutus Tristan untuk mencari dan mengambil darah suci yang terdapat dalam tubuh Nayla ( Jessica Mila). Tetapi bila bangsa Vampire mendekatinya, mereka akan merasa kesakitan. Karena Nayla sudah jatuh cinta pada Tristan, maka dua bisa mendekatinya tanpa rasa sakit.

Sementara itu , Sahabat Nayla dari kecil yaitu Galang ( Ricky Harun) tidak menyukai dan memiliki firasat buruk akan Tristan yang selalu mendekati Nayla . Suatu hari , ia tersesat di hutan dan digigit oleh srigala bernama Ratu Lestan . Sejak saat itu , Galang memiliki kekuatan super yang didapatnya melalui Ratu Lestan yang mengutusnya agar menjaga darah suci itu.

Beberapa hari selanjutnya , Nayla sudah merasa curiga kepada Tristan karena ada beberapa kejanggalan seperti , Tristan tidak makan , Muka Tristan dan saudara2 nya teramat putih pucat seperti vampire dan ia takut akan sinar matahari karena itu akan membuatnya hancur, lalu ia dapat berlari dengan kecepatan tinggi dan mempunyai kekuatan ajaib dalam melawan musuh . Selain itu , ketika Sissy ( Prilly Latuconsina) sahabat nayla agak genit yang menyukai Tristan mengaca , ia tidak dapat menemukan bayangan Tristan dan saudara2 vampire nya . Tristan dan saudara-saudaranya juga tidak memiliki Jantung karena bisa dilihat oleh Galang . Bagaimanakah kisah mereka selanjutnya ? bagaimana kisah Nayla ? apakah ia berada di tangan Galang ataukah Tristan ? Saksikan kelanjutan sinetron Ganteng Ganteng Serigala di SCTV.

Samsung Galaxy S5 Supercopy Blue 5,1 inch MTK 6572 All sensor QUADCORE CAMERA 13MP

Samsung Galaxy S5 Supercopy Blue 5,1 inch MTK 6572 All sensor QUADCORE CAMERA 13MP

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Definition of 'Fundamental Analysis

Fundamental Analysis

A method of evaluating a security that entails attempting to measure its intrinsic value by examining related economic, financial and other qualitative and quantitative factors. Fundamental analysts attempt to study everything that can affect the security's value, including macroeconomic factors (like the overall economy and industry conditions) and company-specific factors (like financial condition and management). 

The end goal of performing fundamental analysis is to produce a value that an investor can compare with the security's current price, with the aim of figuring out what sort of position to take with that security (underpriced = buy, overpriced = sell or short).

This method of security analysis is considered to be the opposite of technical analysis.

Investopedia explains 'Fundamental Analysis'

Fundamental analysis is about using real data to evaluate a security's value. Although most analysts use fundamental analysis to value stocks, this method of valuation can be used for just about any type of security. 

For example, an investor can perform fundamental analysis on a bond's value by looking at economic factors, such as interest rates and the overall state of the economy, and information about the bond issuer, such as potential changes in credit ratings. For assessing stocks, this method uses revenues, earnings, future growth, return on equity, profit margins and other data to determine a company's underlying value and potential for future growth. In terms of stocks, fundamental analysis focuses on the financial statements of the company being evaluated.

One of the most famous and successful fundamental analysts is the Oracle of Omaha, Warren Buffett, who is well known for successfully employing fundamental analysis to pick securities. His abilities have turned him into a billionaire. 

Guilty Crown Wiki Latest Episode

Kurosu Ouma
 is both Shu and Mana's father. After the death of his wife Saeko Shijou, he married Haruka.
Kurosu Ouma2A genius, he was the scientist who discovered Void Genome to be an inhibitor of Apocalypse Virus. Together with Shuichiro Keido, his friend and fellow scientist, he led the research about the Apocalypse Virus. 5 years after living with his family in Oshima, a meteorite feel down and Kurosu and his team began to investigate, the meteorite pieces had the virus cells it was Mana, who found it. After a while Yuu, a envoy from Da'ath, came and warned Kurosu and Keido about the fouth apocalypse. When Saeko gave birth to Shu, she died. Kurosu needed to protect Shu because Mana already had chosen her Adam, his blood would set the standard of the next generation.
After a long time, Kurosu started to know Haruka, he had left Shu and Mana on Oshima to immerse himself on his research. He and Haruka got married and in that year they tried to have their first Christmas together. On 24th December 2029, got caught in his research and he met Keido there, he found out that Kurosu have finally solved the mysteries of evolution and natural section. After Keido request to work together with Kurosu again, Kurosu ended up refusing, which left Keido mad and made him shot him